Friday 5 April 2019

Fire Sprinklers vs. Fire Suppression: What’s the difference?

A common question that is asked by people in the fire protection world is about the difference between fire sprinkler systems and fire suppression systems. There are people who are not aware of the fact that fire sprinkler systems and fire suppression systems have huge differences and have different applications.

A fire sprinkler system uses water as an agent for extinguishing fire whereas fire suppression systems do not use water to extinguish fire. In spite of the dissimilarities, both fire sprinkler systems and fire suppression systems motive is to manage the fire or extinguish a fire.

To know more about the differences between both the systems, continue reading.

Fire Sprinkler Systems: Fire sprinkler systems are very effective at stopping fires. These systems are activated in cases where smoke or heat is detected. Additionally the fire sprinkler system will discharge water to extinguish fire in the area which is damaged.
There are various types of fire sprinkler systems. 
These consist of the following:

  • Wet pipe systems
  • Dry pipe systems
  • Pre-action systems
  • Deluge sprinklers systems

 These systems are commonly utilized form of fire protection, although there are cases where fire sprinkler systems may not work. In such cases fire suppression systems are installed.

Fire Suppression Systems: Fire suppression systems are used in situations where special articles are present such as museums, art galleries, etc. These systems respond very fast and extinguish fire immediately causing less damage to the articles. There are different types of fire suppression systems. 
These consist of the following:
  • FM200 systems
  • CO2 systems
  • Wet chemical systems
  • Dry chemical systems

Each fire suppression system is designed based on special articles that require protection. You must consider a lot of factors before deciding which system is right for you. The code of your building or workplace will help you in identifying the type of system you will require. In cases where you need to install a fire suppression system or a fire sprinkler system, you can get in touch with professionals to find out which type of system is right for your building and workplace.

Most of the people out there  tend to ignore the fire systems as a part of their workplace or buildings. Do your research and understand why they are important.

Are you looking for Fire suppression systems in Manhattan? Get in touch with William Hird & Co. For further details call (718) 499-4881

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