Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Are You Maintaining Your Fire Extinguishers Installed at Your Workplaces Or Homes?

We often overlook the importance of fire extinguisher maintenance. But do you know that poor maintenance can weaken your fire protection systems? So when a fire breaks out, they fail to provide you the protection you need from fire incidents.

That’s why fire safety firms emphasize the importance of maintenance of fire extinguishers and other fire safety systems. People assume that they have installed fire extinguishers and now they have done their part. As fire extinguishers are the first step towards fire prevention, it is vital that they should not fail at any cost. Thus they should work properly to ensure the safety of the building from fires.

Fire Extinguisher

According to fire safety standard guidelines, fire protection systems must be maintained annually by an experienced fire safety contractor or provider who holds a BAFE certification.

Let’s move towards causes why fire extinguisher maintenance is a crucial part of the protection against fire incidents.

  • With timely and proper maintenance, fire extinguishers may last up to 5-10 years before they need a replacement.
  • Maintenance is necessary to ensure they remain effective and working when you needed them the most.
  • Damages occurred to your fire extinguisher may be hard to detect by a normal person. Thus, inspections help to find out the damages or check the system is working or not.

When should you call fire safety providers for fire extinguishers maintenance and service?
To ensure the proper working order of fire extinguishers, they should be maintained by fire safety professionals

  • Commissioning service: any signs of damage can be identified by this service. This usually happens after you have received the delivery.
  • Monthly fire extinguisher maintenance check: Monthly Inspections are carried out on-site by a delegated person.
  • Annual fire extinguisher maintenance: Inspections are carried out by fire safety professionals annually to check faults and damages.

Fire incidents can be very lethal, and we all have heard of the recent Australian bush fires incident and the massive loss come from it. Fire extinguisher services will only help if they work properly.

Fire safety service providers have various fire extinguisher maintenance plans if you own fire extinguishers on your premises, sites or home at cost-effective rates. While choosing any company, make sure to contact an experienced and renowned one.

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