Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets Visual Inspection Checklist!

Fire extinguishers are handy fire extinguishing devices commonly used in all kinds of residential and commercial buildings to deal with small fires. They are usually placed inside fire extinguisher cabinets at various locations throughout the building. They are the most effective fire safety devices that can help avert a fire emergency before it turns into a disaster. Therefore, monthly visual inspections are crucial. You should look out for any common issues during the visual inspection to ensure proper fire extinguisher maintenance for everyone’s safety. 

Fire extinguishers and cabinets visual inspection checklist:

  1. Make sure to check the fire extinguishers and cabinets for any physical damages.
  2. Fire extinguisher cabinets must not be locked so occupants can easily access them whenever needed. However, if there is any risk of theft or the malicious misuse of fire extinguishers, they may be kept locked in a fire extinguisher cabinet with a glass door, and a means to emergency access. 
  3. If your facility has wooden fire extinguisher cabinets, you should also look out for anything unusual such as signs of mildew, mold, or moisture penetration. Temperature changes may compromise the cabinet's structural integrity. 
  4. It is recommended to verify that the operating instructions and labels on the fire extinguisher are legible and face outward.
  5. It is recommended to check the fire extinguishers for any damaged parts such as nozzles, pins, hoses, broken seals, corrosion, hose blockages, etc. 
  6. Make sure to check the fire extinguisher’s pressure. If the pressure is low or high, it is recommended to contact a professional fire extinguisher service. 
  7. Ensure the fire extinguisher is refilled after every use to ensure it is ready to be used for any fire emergencies.
  8. Ensure the fire extinguishers are appropriately placed at the designated place and have not been moved to ensure they are available whenever needed.
  9. It is recommended to check the date of the last fire extinguisher inspection. If it has been over 6 months since the previous inspection, you should schedule a professional inspection.  
  10. After the visual inspection, make sure to report the findings in the monthly inspection logbook as a record. 

Any knowledgeable person from the staff, supervisor, or manager can usually do the monthly visual inspection. However, in high-risk commercial buildings, monthly inspections may need to be conducted by a certified professional. Thus, it is crucial to schedule regular inspections as per the NFPA requirements. 

If you notice any fire extinguisher or cabinet problems or looking to buy the best value fire extinguishers for installation in your facility, contact our team for reliable fire protection services in NY! Schedule a professional fire extinguisher inspection today!

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